Android Application on Social Network Service MindTalk Officially Released

Bye-Bye boring lifestyle, hello and welcome to MindTalk! This is the newest Social Channel on the web which is very cool. Yes be informed about this Social Channel MindTalk which is the right place to discuss and share anything under the sun having the combination of mailing list and the concept of a forum. As MindTalk, place it all together along a stream format and so it will extend across many channels.

Channels are very common in the IRC, and it also works wonderfully with MindTalk. However you may take channel of MindTalk as the home for everyone all over your place to stay. Inside the channel there emerge other efficient components such as Users, Posts and Admin.

This MindTalk is the answer for the clamor of Android users for the best social networking service that they can use for sharing their life and aspirations as well as goals in life.

Users can make channel just like in the IRC. For example, as when you are trying to create an airsoft gun channel.

People all over the world prefer and love the use of such social networking and it has become tremendously popular nowadays. Beginning from children to young ladies & men as well as the adults alike made these social networking activities as part of their lives. And this is the reason why MindTalk was created for the Android users.

You can add into the list of social networking the MindTalk which is another new aspect or attempt to provide users with social medium where they may share their photos, thoughts and even YouTube good videos with other people via different custom channels (represented by hashtags) based on the topics of interest.

Architecture MindTalk

MindTalk provides you the solution for some problems that happens that occurred in both the mailing list as well as both mailing list and forums. Like the following:

  • The boring and motionless categories
  • For adding categories the cage upon user
  • Mailing List and forum think that the notification is not necessary.
  • Too great effort to share your own multimedia files.

MindTalk is really fun, but you must take it seriously.

  • The stream that is included in every category can loop into another category with the help of a hashtag sign (#).
  • Like the lively forum to operate, the user (you and all your friends) are ready and free to create any category that suits you well.
  • Sharing these files will be easy just like breathing
  • Every one of you has the great potential to be admin in the available categories.

When new to the service, you may instantly and easily sign up for the fresh account from within the application. Just like the web interface the UI of this mobile client too is quite designed and is very simple to use. To access to the application’s features, log on with a valid account MindTalk.

When you are logged in, you will be taken to the home screen of the app on which you may view the live Stream of your recent activities and your friends in the network. The icons at the screen’s top will provide you easy access into your MindTalk Supporters in the network, Notifications and Inbox. In order to post a fresh and new stream, touch in the note icon at the screen’s top right corner. And with every stream you may add the brief message and also attach a photo.

In order to access the different channels in the network or to make a new one, just navigate into the My Option under the section CHANNEL of the main menu of the app. And while in the channel’s screen, touch Menu Create channel, specify Channel Name, enter the description, keywords (tags) select the Logo and touch Create.

Aside from the checking activities in your own channel you may explore others’ channels also. For every channel you may check the total number of added members, shared articles or posts, and questions. Additionally you may also check profiles of different users, comment on, joins their channel. Like and share posts.  Not only at the MindTalk’s own network you can share your own posts you can also share them on Twitter and Facebook.

In order to search the web for other channels and people, then you may simply touch the more menu icon at the top-left corner of this app homescreen. And from within the similar menu, then you may log out in the app and must quickly jump into other aspects of the applications like your personal MindTalk profile. Stream Whisper (personal message) and Popular/People/New channels and the Settings Apps.

The app’s notification and apps language may be modified along the screen settings. You may specify the time interval which this application must check for new updates and disable/enable Notifications/ Background and others.

And like the fresh and new service, this MindTalk needs more users to help it to successfully compete with all the best. By releasing mobile clients for the major platforms can help the network in this situation.


Posted by On December 30, 2011 Filed in: Apps Tags: , ,

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