Galaxy SII Samsung MIUI ROM Ice Cream Sandwich for AT & T is now ready and available
Yes, you do not have wait until next year to get the hottest Ice Cream Sandwich Android version on your own Samsung Galaxy devices. When you have already rooted your Samsung Galaxy SII you can have the Ice Cream Sandwich update which the XDA shep211 has posted a very functional Android 4.0 ROM MIUI already available to be flashed anytime in your phone.
The Ice Cream Sandwich, newest version of Android is now the greatest and most-yearned for Android version nowadays. And even the owners of the older versions like the Galaxy S are also craving for it.
The MIUI has just been created with the used of the ICS merged framework from GalnetMIUI 1.11.2 and a touch of CM7. It is a newly developed build, but it works great from the testimony of those that have tried it.
Through the steps below you may now install this build of the new Ice Cream Sandwich using the MIUI for the Samsung Galaxy S 19000. Following carefully these simple instructions but you must be sure that you will not neglect any step while doing so.
- The Gingerbread XXIVS firmware 2.3.5 Android must be downloaded first. You may be able to download here (almost 244MB). Its file name is When it will require for a password when you are extracting the files, you must use ‘androidauthority,com’.
- After finishing with the download, then extract its contents of this file into the folder in your own computer.
- The Odin 3 flashing tool must be downloaded here too. It is a Zip file also. Then extract its contents of this Zip file into a folder in your own computer too.
- Proceed to the folder Odin 3 and then run the ‘Odin3.v1.7. exe’ to begin the tool.
- Then reboot your own phone to a download mode with clicking its button Volume Down+OK together then while holding click the button Power.
- Then connect your own phone into your own computer through USB cable.
- Click the PDA tab in the window Odin3, and choose CODE_19000XXJV_CL565587_REV03_user_low_ship.tar along the folder wherein you have extracted its contents of the updated files Gingerbread.
- Press the tab CSC, and then choose GT019000-CSC-MULTI-OXAJVS,tar along the folder where you have extracted its contents in the Gingerbread updated files.
- Press the tab PIT and then choose sl_odin_20100512.pit along its folder that you have extracted contents of the updated files Gingerbread.
- Press its button Start at Odin3 to begin its flashing process.
- Then reboot your own phone in a recovery mode. You may do this as follows – turned off your phone, click the buttons Volume Up+OK together, and then while pressing its two buttons, click the button Power. In the recovery mode, select ‘Wipe data/factory reset’ then select ‘Wipe cache partition after that. Then reboot the device.
- When you have finished rooting your own phone before doing the above Gingerbread update. Then you need to again root it. And for that, you need to download its rooting file in here. But do not extract the Zip file.
- Then open the flash tool Odin 3 again. Press the tab PDA then choose Then you must leave its other fields tabs empty.
- Press the button Start on Odin3 to begin its flashing process. Then your own phone needs to automatically reboot afterwards. If not, you manually reboot it.
- You must download the ROM MIUI for the Galaxy S 19000 in here. Then copy its file in the root of the SD card of your phone.
- The app CWM Manager must be opened and along it, select to reboot in the ClockworkMod Recovery.
- On the recovery mode, select to wipe the Dalvik cache, wipe partition and wipe data.
- Then afterwards choose ‘Install along SD Card’ to select the file MIUI ICS that you have saved into your SD Card. Then you begin the installation. Then wait for its process to be finished. Reboot your device into a normal mode when it does not reboot automatically after the completion of the installation.
Just enjoy this Ice Cream Sandwich working in your own Galaxy S 19000 thanks to the people at GalnetMIUI who have made this possible. This installation process is very much complex for all those who have not experience rooting their own device, so you need to have somebody do it for you because you may brick your own phone, or you just wait for its update ICS for your device.