Save battery life with Juice Defender

An Android phone is something that surely needs lot of battery power to run. you can really blame the phone because it offers you so many great features and some of them need battery support to run. There is a great app named Juice Defender and it has been designed to work in your phone to save battery life. The name of the app is very appropriate as it defends the juice of your battery. The main thing that this app does is to control the connectivity of your phone and save battery power. That means it will scan what your phone is downloading and when its searching for networks. The app will work according to your pre set options to decide which actions are actually need and which are not.When you see that the battery is low of your phone, you can set the app in a way that it can determine which features are not needed and then turn them off. Another great thing that you can do with JuiceDefender is to set it in a way that it closes some features when specific actions are done. You can set the time of the deactivation for those features with this software. You can make this app turn off features when the phone is in a location where a specific feature is not needed. That means, when you are not in a range within the Wi-Fi network, the app will automatically turn off the Wi-Fi service. This is really great for saving battery life. Specific actions can be blocked off with JuiceDefender for a specific tile. So if you don’t want some features to be working at night, like calling network or SMS, then you can turn them off for night time.

JuiceDefender costs around $4 but its nothing compared to the service that it offers. Your phone’s battery life can be increased for hours with this app. As it checks all your outgoing and incoming signals, it will save you a lot of times by automating a lot of options. So just buy it today and start using now and enjoy longer battery life of your phone.

Posted by On October 19, 2011 Filed in: News Tags: ,

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