Top 10 Keyboard Altervative Android Apps with Multi Language Support

Android phones are quite cool, stylish and useful but when it comes about typing something on the screen then they prove a very slow machine.  Below we have presented few android applications that can help in speeding the things.

SlideIT onscreen keyboard

In is indeed a smart application that can help you to type words by just sliding finger over the letters of its virtual-keyboard while the outcome gets displays over the screen. This is quicker because it supports sliding instead of pressing (movement of finger).

Thick buttons Keyboard:

As its name suggests it simply increases the typing efficiency by adjusting the thickness of the keyboard letters while typing. It thickens the important letters and decrease width of the useless letters. It has a predictive text system.

Smart Keyboard Pro:

Smart keyboard pro is a very useful onscreen keyboard application, which is available in many different languages. It supports multiple languages and custom skin. Smiley-editor, voice input, text-prediction are few of its cool feature.

Ultra Keyboard:

This is one of the best keyboard replacement solution that offer a great variety of features like spelling correction, word-suggestion and word replacement, custom themes, translation, speech to text, text, accessible tool bar, zoom, word tracing, camera mode and much more.

Better Keyboard 8:

Better keyboard 8 also includes many features but it has less customization options. The features like custom-skins, compact QWERTY, full QWERTY, keyboard fonts and support for multiple languages. It provides multi–touch feature on Android 2.0 + devices.

TouchPal Input:

It provides excellent support for PinYin and handwriting. TouchPal supports Chinese PinYin, English, BiHua, WuBi, Handwriting, and Voice Input. It is good at predicting whole sentences, mixed input of English and Chinese, mistyping correction and T+ dual letter layout.

8pen Input Method:

8pen input method is very new which helps in improving the typing speed and accuracy. It provides a high level of accuracy. Input method can be easily adapted and is thumbing friendly.

Graffiti for Android:

Based upon ‘graffiti input’ this application works like a handwriting-recognition program. This not so user friendly but adds a lot of style to your text.

Swype Keyboard:

It comes with function of moving finger over the letters to generate a word, phrase or sentence. It also supports voice to text functionality.


Based on patented technology MessagEase helps the user to type faster on an android. The frequently used letters are accessed by tapping on the screen while less frequently used letters are accessed by sliding. The large sized keys help in fast typing and in increasing the accuracy.

Posted by On October 14, 2011 Filed in: Apps Tags: ,

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