HTC Wildfire S battery Saving Tips [How to]

The new generation smart phones are breaking all barriers with great features, stunning looks and fantastic display quality. HTC Wildfire S is one of the latest smart phones that have everything from the newest version of Android OS to Wi-Fi and everything that a smart phone should offer. One thing that many people complain about this phone is the low battery life. You must understand one thing that no phone battery can give long battery support with so many features when most of them are battery energy hungry. However, you can save a lot of battery life by following some simple disciplines. Let me tell you how you can do that.HTC-Wildfire-S-battery-saving tips

To save battery life you must first control things that require most of the battery support.

  • The phone has a bright display screen. The touch facility is great of this phone but this display requires a lot of energy. The only way to control the battery use from the screen is by turning the brightness down and keeping the auto turn off option activated. You don’t always need the display to be that much bright so you can turn it down. The auto screen turn of timing should be kept under 20 seconds too.
  • HTC Wildfire S has Wi-Fi and it requires a lot of energy supply from the battery. You cannot help it when using the wireless connectivity but when you don’t need the Wi-Fi feature you can turn it off. The Wi-Fi always searches for networks around it and that drains battery life. Controlling the use can save a lot of battery power.
  • The GPS connectivity of this phone is also one of the features which are good to have but also bad for battery. It keeps searching your position on the map and keeps burning battery when you don’t need it. Every time your need with GPS is done, turn it off.
  • Bluetooth is one other thing that keeps using the battery life even when you don’t need it. Turn it on only when you need to share files with other Bluetooth devices. When the job is done, turn the Bluetooth off.
  • The powerful processor, chipset and RAM of HTC Wildfire S burn a good amount of battery power. The only way to save that is to limiting your use.

Apart from these needy features, there are small elements of this phone that can be using your phone’s battery life. Let me tell you how to short those things to save battery life.

  • The Android OS supports many apps and you probably use lots of them too. Some of them constantly run in the background even if you don’t need them. Turn this off for unwanted apps.
  • The Android OS itself requires battery life to run all that fancy features like sliding menus and animated icons. Trust me; HTC Wildfire S looks amazing even without them. Don’t use all the fancy stuff of the OS.
  • Download battery power saving apps from Android Marketplace and use them for best results.
Posted by On August 25, 2011 Filed in: Tips and Tricks Tags: battery, HTC, saving tips, wildfire s

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