Kyocera echo sprint battery saving Tips [how to]

Kyocera echo sprint is a model of innovation and development. The Kyocera echo operates on an android 2.2 OS aka froyo. The phone has a unique design which comprises of a hinge design. The design provides flexibility however the phone becomes a little too bulky .the Kyocera echo is the first android smart phone to have a dual screen. It is also loaded with proprietary software to manage the two displays which is a great idea because how you can view content at the same time on both screens. Although the phone is equipped with pretty high end features like dual high resolution screens, Wi-Fi hot spot capabilities, 1 GHz snapdragon processor etc, the battery on the Kyocera echo is 1370mAh battery which compared to the new android Smartphone’s is pretty paltry .the battery may just about last for your requirements if you check certain aspects and ensure optimal resource usage.

The battery life of any phone depends on the usage of the phone. Usage pattern varies from person to person and so may the battery life of the phone. However managing the phones resources can help in increasing the battery life considerably. Some functions are highly demanding on the battery and by limiting such functions we can conserve the battery’s resources. Some of the key functions to conserving battery life arekyocera echo sprint battery saving tips

Display: Kyocera echo features a dual display and it is quite obvious that the battery usage depends on the display settings. By setting the brightness settings to LOW and the display time to minimum the battery life is considerably improved.

Online data usage: Whenever we are connected to the World Wide Web whether through 3G or EDGE there is continuous data exchange between the phone and the internet server. This feature is used to keep track of phones performance characteristics but they tend to consume a lot of battery. Disabling this feature can help in conserving the battery.

Application settings: The Kyocera echo being an android phone provides you with the luxury of using many applications. But when applications run in the background it would be a good idea control the amount of resources like Ram and processor cycles available to them for more important applications like calls etc. These applications can controlled by installing an application which will enable you to force close applications and schedule you to close applications

Charging habits and methods: Charging of your phone must be carried out using the provide charger. Every charger for a different phone differs with the difference in the battery type. The charger is designed in such a way to save battery life and using any other charger could permanently damage your battery or phone itself. Talking or using features like Wi-Fi while charging must be avoided as far as possible. Always charge your phone fully daily.

Connectivity options: The Kyocera has many connectivity options such as Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Wi-Fi must be switched only when there is a Wi-Fi network present around the area and you are subscribed to the Wi-Fi network. Avoid using open wireless connections as they are not well secured and often give you less usable bandwidth and thus consumes a lot of battery as it takes much longer to open a particular web page.

Another connectivity option is Bluetooth. It is a widely used and useful feature in streaming media and file transfers. By keeping the Bluetooth off when not in use can prevent it for searching for new Bluetooth devices in its vicinity thus wasting battery.

Multimedia features: Android phones have many multimedia features like the ability to watch videos , play music , click picture  etc. while watching videos in your Kyocera echo or playing audio files either streaming or from your phones memory make sure you do not listen to any of these at full volume . Adjusting your brightness level to MODERATE can allow you to view the videos comfortably. While using the camera also ensure you do not use the flash when there is ample amount of light available in the surroundings.

Posted by On August 22, 2011 Filed in: Tips and Tricks Tags: battery, Kyocera, sating tips, sprint

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